The practice of value‑based pharmacy
As pharmacists have become more involved in quality and value-based reimbursement programs, there’s an emerging set of best practices that have been shown to drive financial, clinical and satisfaction for both patients and organizations.

Real-world medication use differs from patient to patient. Medication management strategies need to be tailored to a patient’s individual behavioral, clinical, genomic and social factors. The ability to scale this patient-centered approach at the population level requires both flexibility and customization.
As healthcare organizations move towards a value-based healthcare delivery model, pharmacist-led programs should reflect the organization’s global population health strategy.
Value-based pharmacy isn’t just a clinical discipline. It’s also a practical one that balances the complex blend of clinical, behavioral and cultural factors at both the patient and organizational level. Understanding these factors is key to successfully unlocking the value that pharmacists can bring to your team.
The data, insight and knowledge we collect, analyze and act on every day positions us a leader in this space.

Our history
RxLive offers a platform that connects pharmacists and patients in a secure, private and personal way. At its root, it also connects old and new. It takes the best elements of traditional independent pharmacy — expert patient care, a service mindset and an individual relationship between the pharmacist and the patient — and combines it with the technology-based convenience and data-driven decision-making that today’s consumers expect and demand.
By disconnecting the business model of pharmacy from the dispensing event and identifying consumers who need and value the expert advice they can get from their “personal pharmacist,” RxLive is redefining what the practice of pharmacy looks like.
Our mission, vision & values
RxLive’s mission is to deliver meaningful interactions between patients, pharmacists and healthcare providers through cutting-edge technology and clinical guidance.
RxLive’s vision is to improve healthcare by leveraging the value of clinical pharmacists.
RxLive is an organization comprised of people who are passionate about providing clinical pharmacy services and delivering best-in-class, patient-centered care.
We take initiative to do what’s best for the patient by going the extra mile, spurring a culture of pushing beyond the norm but doing so within the rules.
We empower our patients to take charge of their health and to feel confident in their ability to manage their medication therapy while living their healthiest life possible.
Healthcare is complex, and important terms and their meanings are often misunderstood. We commit to clearly say what we mean and mean what we say.
Accelerator partners

Our Founders & Leadership Team
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