Decrease your employees’ drug spending and medical costs with value‑based pharmacy

Employer Solutions
Do you or your HR team need to:
- Reduce employee prescription costs?
- Reduce overall healthcare costs?
- Decrease number of sick days taken and help improve productivity?
- Attract the best candidates with your benefits?
- Improve employee benefit satisfaction?
- Increase employee involvement in other existing health programs?

Employer benefits
Medication management should be a top priority for employers
RxLive® partners with employers to integrate pharmacists into existing benefit programs and serve as a clinically oriented counterweight to potentially misaligned PBM programs. Focusing on the patients with the highest levels of medication complexity and drug spending, our model drives improved outcomes and reduced drug costs. In addition to a simplification of medication regimens and a focus on cost, a hallmark of RxLive’s process is a focus on motivational interviewing, relationship-building and addressing social factors that may lead to non-adherence.
RxLive extracts data from multiple data sources so our pharmacists have access to all of the patient’s available medical history and other pertinent information. Through examining claims and other data, RxLive identifies members who are either taking many medications or spending a lot of money on them. We then tailor interventions to address the clinical, financial or behavioral opportunities we identify. RxLive provides ongoing analytics and reporting on the member population post-interventions and delivers a clear and tangible ROI that can be realized virtually immediately.
Less spending
Decrease in average net drug spending per month for enrolled members
Better compliance
Increase in medication compliance from speaking with a pharmacist
Fewer hospital admissions
Decrease in hospital admissions per year after speaking with an RxLive pharmacist
Employer Implementation
How it works
Although RxLive tailors the workflow to suit the needs of each organization, when working with an employer we typically use the following process:
Patient Selection
Population-level pharmacy claims and other data and analytics (RxLive.ai) drive employee participation selection based on medication spending and prescription volume.
The RxLive® pharmacist develops a comprehensive medication review (CMR) plan using the employee’s EHR data, Surescripts records, discharge summaries and other relevant clinical data sources.
During the consult (which takes place either over the phone or by video chat), the pharmacist engages the employee to gather additional contextual data around the employee’s medication, supplements and other substance use. The pharmacist will also review possible drug interactions, de-prescribing opportunities and cost-saving opportunities.
A summary of the consult is sent to the patient and can be sent to an on-site clinic or other provider office with engagement to help ensure gaps in care are closed and cost-saving opportunities are realized.